Stress in everyday life

ImageThis is a great post from the ‘Dealing with Stress’ Facebook page, go and check them out, like their page and give them some love! We are working with them, sharing stress tips and expertise.

‘Each day we wake up and go about our day to day activities. If we lived in a dull world where everything was stagnant we would not have any stress, and we would be bored out of our minds. But life happens, things happen everyday that sends out body, our emotions, our very being into stress alert.

Like everything in life, stress in moderation is actually good for us.  It keeps us on our toes, it gets us motivated to complete things, and it gives is the ability to even think clearer in difficult situations – think about a time you may have been at the scene of an accident and how calmly you reacted.

The truth is, we are all wired differently – some people can take on more stress than others and in fact thrive on it.

This is why we often hear of the high powered executive that retired and had a heart attack a week later.  The body is so geared for stress that it is a shock to stop doing what it has always been doing suddenly.  The same goes for people that work long hours and then go on holiday – they get colds and run down, the body has had to slow down and it cannot cope.

So what does this tell us? Firstly, you need to understand your stress threshold, and then you need to make sure you can read the signs and symptoms when you pass the threshold. Secondly, keeping yourself on a stress high is no good for you in the long run, try and balance your activities. Do something outside of work – if you are a high powered individual that thrives on stress, activities like boxing, running, aikido will be helpful. If you are one of those individuals that need to relax and destress, try not to become a couch potato.  Rather go for long walks, join a yoga class or painting. Something that gets the brain and the body away from the situation that perceives the stress.

Thirdly, and this may sound strange, but you chose your stress, just like you make choices about everything else in your life. You can say no! You can walk away. You can be good to yourself. It is all a matter of what we chose to do.’

Credit to:

Dealing with Stress Everyday

Find the original post HERE

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